Sometimes a root canal is required to save a tooth. If a tooth has been giving you strong pain or prolonged hot and cold sensitivity, or there is an abscess associated with a tooth, then root canal treatment may be required.
A root canal is often required when the nerve and blood supply to the tooth is damaged or infected. This could be due to decay-causing bacteria or injury. You may notice pain, toothache, a darkening of the tooth or possibly some swelling in the gum. If you notice any of these issues you should visit a dentist as soon as possible.
Root canal treatment normally occurs over a couple of appointments. Initially the infected root is removed from the tooth and medication placed in the tooth. Subsequently the root filling will take place. Some teeth with root canals may also require a crown.
When people think of a root canal they often think of pain. Root canal treatment is often required if someone has been suffering from toothache. Root canal treatment itself doesn’t normally hurt with sufficient local anaesthetic and the aim of treatment is to take away the pain you have been experiencing prior to treatment. Some people may still need pain relief for a few days after having root canal treatment.
Root canals can vary in their complexity and therefore the cost associated may vary as well. Once you have visited one of our dentists, we will be able to give you an approximate cost for root canal treatment.
IIdeally, we want to keep our own natural teeth where possible. Our teeth help us to chew our food and give shape to our face and a healthy smile. Tooth loss can result in a range of on-going complications. Even with the nerve removed our teeth can often still function as we need them to. In some cases, the tooth may be too damaged to save, and this is where we may recommend
as a better option. Our dentists at Dental on Kilmore in Christchurch can provide you with professional advice on the options available to you.
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